公益社団法人 日本表面真空学会


[ml_040] Call for Papers for Virtual Special Issue on “Gas dynamics and its applications to vacuum science and technology”


速報発信者;本田 融(高エネルギー加速器研究機構,日本表面真空学会国際委員会


雑誌"Vacuum"のSpecial Issue on “Gas dynamics and its applications to vacuum science and technology”の投稿募集の
Call for Papersは下記に掲載されています、ふるってご投稿ください。


Dear Colleague,

It is just a reminder that four weeks left before the deadline for submission of papers to Special Issue in the international journal Vacuum entitled “Gas dynamics and its applications to vacuum science and technology”. Currently, several papers are being under consideration. The list of accepted papers can be seen here:

As an expert in the field, you are kindly invited to submit your paper via the journal website

selecting the article type as “VSI Gas Dyn”.


Sincerely yours,

Prof. Felix Sharipov and Dr. Oleg B. Malyshev Special Issue Guest Editors

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