The 3rd Heinrich Rohrer Medals will be awarded to following reseachers.

Press Release on Winners of the 3rd Heinrich Rohrer Medals in 2020_(English)

The 3rd Heinrich Rohrer Medal -Grand Medal- (2020)

  Andreas Heinrich

Ewha Womans University, Korea

For his ground-breaking development of scanning tunneling microscope methods to st udy the spin properties of magnetic atoms on surfaces for revealing the quantum nature of the magnetism at the atomic scale

Award Achievements

The 3rd Heinrich Rohrer Medal -Rising Medal- (2020)

  Takashi Kumagai (born in 1984)

Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany

For his outstanding achievements in the field of near-field physics and chemistry in plasmonic STM junctions

Award Achievements

Operated with IBM Research-Zurich

Cosponsored by @@@

The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science (JVSS)