The 9th International Symposium on Surface Science
~Toward Sustainable Development~
November 28 to December 1, 2021, Online Takamatsu, Japan
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Important Dates
Presentation Guidelines
Plenary & Invited Speakers
Abstract Submission
Heinrich Rohrer Medal
Young Awards
Technical Exhibition
Conference papers
Supporting Organizations
Former Symposia
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Matthias Scheffler (Fritz Haber Institute, Germany)
Artificial Intelligence for Surface Science and Heterogeneous Catalysis: Learning Rules and Creating Maps of Materials Properties

Prof. Huisheng Peng (Fudan University, China)
Fiber Sensors and Systems

Prof. Yoshihiro Iwasa
(The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Emergent van der Waals heterostructures of transition metal dichiacogenides

Prof. Andreas Heinrich (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
The 3rd Heinrich Rohrer Medal (Grand Medal)

Invited Speakers
Dr. Takashi Toyao (Hokkaido University)
Toward Discovery of Novel Heterogeneous Catalysts using Extrapolative Machine Learning Method

Dr. Kenji Nagata
Bayesian Estimation for Spectral Analysis

Dr. Joshua C. Agar (Lehigh University)
Real-Time Physics-Constrained Machine Learning in Multimodal Scanning Probe Microscopy

Dr. Seungwu Han (Seoul National University)
Multi-scale simulation of atomic layer deposition of W and TiN thin film

Dr. Nongnuch Artrith (Columbia University and Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Modelling of Complex Energy Materials with Machine Learning

Dr. Peter Amann (Stockholm university)
Catalytic Reactions Explored by the High Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HPXPS) Endstation POLARIS

Dr. Jian Wang (Peking University)
The observation of in-plane quantum Griffiths singularity in two-dimensional crystalline superconductors

Dr. Kehui Wu (CAS Beijing)
Manipulation of Quantum Well States in Two-dimensional Semiconductors

Dr. Yuanbo Zhang (Fudan University)
Emergent van der Waals heterostructures of transition metal dichiacogenides

Dr. Hiroshi Sakai (KEK)
The advanced technologies of Energy Recovery Linac (ERL)

Dr. Eshraq Al-Dmour (MAX-IV)
MAX IV Vacuum System: Design and Operation.

Dr. Oleg B. Malyshev (ASTeC, STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
Non-evaporable getter coating development

Dr. Chandra Romel (LIGO Hanford Observatory)
Future Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatories and their Vacuum Requirements

Dr. Paolo Milani (University of Milan)
All-Printed Green Micro-Supercapacitors Based on a Naturalderived Ionic Liquid for Flexible Transient Electronics

Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
Dynamic Catalysts under Operando Conditions

Dr. Jörg Libuda (Friedrich Alexander University)
Complex model interfaces for energy storage and conversion: From surface science to the solid/liquid and the electrified interface

Dr. Yossi Partiel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel)
Chiral molecules and the electron spin

Dr. Stefan Eisebitt (Max-Born-Institut)
Ultrafast optical generation and control of magnetic skyrmions

Dr. Marco Rolandi (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Bioelectronic devices for control of cell function

Dr. Xiaojie Duan (Peking University)
Materials and technologies for soft and multi-modal neural interfacing

Dr. Tzu-En Lin (National Chiao Tung University)
Electrochemical detection and cleaning of the contaminated contact lens by using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM)

Dr. Andrew A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Controlling CO2 Electrolyzer Reactivity Using Alloy and Polymer-modified Electrodes

Dr. Scott L. Anderson (The University of Utah)
Size- and Composition-Selected Cluster Catalysts and Electrocatalysts

Dr. Clemens Walther (Leibniz University Hannover)
Quasi non-destructive ultra-trace characterization and isotope imaging of natural and anthropogenic nanoparticles by SN MS

Dr. Jerzy Sadowski (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Spectro-Microscopy of Twisted Bilayer Graphene Structures

Dr. Michael Trenary (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Selective hydrogenation reactions over a Pd-Cu(111) single-atom alloy studied with ambient pressure infrared spectroscopy

Dr. Ikutaro Hamada (Osaka University)
Adsorption and reaction of formic acid on Cu(111): The importance of the intermolecular interaction

Dr. Masashi Nakamura (Chiba University)
Effect of interfacial hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity on the fuel cell reactions

Dr. Alec Wodtke (Max-Planck-Institut)
Pump-probe experiments with neutral matter: A new approach to the kinetics of surface reactions

Dr. Vincent Baglin (CERN)
Qualifications for the upgraded High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Vacuum System

Dr. Stefan Wippermann (Max-Planck-Institut)
Electrified surfaces at constant electrode potential: an ab initio perspective

Dr. Li-Chyong Chen (National Taiwan University)
Probing the Photo-catalytic CO2 Reduction on Low-dimensional Nano-catalysts via in situ and Operando Spectroscopies

Dr. Jörg Kröger (Technische Universität Ilmenau)
Quantum excitations and forces explored by scanning probe methods

Dr. Ulrich Höfer (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Ultrafast Dynamics of Lightwave-Driven Currents in Topological Surface States

Dr. Takashi Ito (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Positive Muons in SrTiO3: Electronic Structure of the Hydrogen-Like Defects and Their Potential Use in Depth-Resolved Detection of Oxygen Vacancies

Dr. Nobuyuki Ishida (NIMS)
Dynamically visualizing battery reactions by operando Kelvin probe force microscopy

Dr. Jinghua Guo
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Operando soft x-ray spectroscopy characterization of surfaces and interfaces

Dr. Jan-Gerrit Horstmann
(University of Göttingen)
Ultrafast Probing and Coherent Vibrational Control of a Surface Structural Phase Transition

Dr. Soo-Hyon Phark (IBS)
Double Electron Spin Resonance of Engineered Atomic Structures on a Surface

Dr. Giovanna  Fragneto (Institut Laue-Langevin)
Structural Characterization of Biomembranes by Neutron Scattering

Dr. Takashi Kumagai (IMS, The 3rd Heinrich Rohrer Medal (Rising Medal))
Atomic-Scale Optical Spectroscopy in Plasmonic Scanning Tunneling Microscope Junctions

Information on invited speakers will be updated.