The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science
I S S N : 1348-0391

Preface for Proceedings of XAFS Theory and Nano Particles

This collection of papers in e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology contains the proceedings of “XAFS Theory and Nano Particles” held at Chiba University from July 18th to 20th, 2012. This is the satellite conference of the XAFS 15 held at Beijing, China. The scope of the satellite conference is focused on the theory of X-ray Absorption Fine Structures (XAFS) and related phenomena such as photoelectron diffraction, and also on close connection with the detailed analyses of experimental XAFS spectra in particular of nano particles.

The scientific program extended over three days with 17 invited talks, 11 oral presentations and 30 poster presentations. Among 58 presentations, 32 were given by Japanese scientists and other 26 by those in other countries (France, Italy, Germany, USA, Korea, Switzerland, Canada, Hong Kong, Brazil, India). For all the presentations the participants really enjoyed hot discussion.

The guest editors of this collection of proceedings papers are Takashi Fujikawa and Kiyotaka Asakura. Most of the important presentations are collected here which provides us with fresh scientific results given in the satellite conference.

Takashi Fujikawa

Chair of the Organizing Committee of the conference XAFS Theory and Nano Particles

Chiba University, JAPAN