ALC'15 Logo
ALC ’15
October 25 (Sun) – 30 (Fri), 2015
Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN
(Current date/time: October 12, 2018 / 14:01 JST)
ALC'15 Logo

Invited Speakers

Special lecturer

Prof. Hiroshi AMANO (Nagoya University, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2014)
“Group III nitride semiconductors as future key materials for energy savings and energy harvesting”

Plenary speakers

Prof. David B. WILLIAMS (Ohio State University)
“Forward to the past: now we can image and identify single atoms, what’s next?”
Prof. Hannes LICHTE (Dresden University)
“Importance of electron phases for comprehensive analysis of structures and fields”
Prof. Jiro MATSUO (Kyoto University)
“Exploring of organic surfaces with secondary ion mass spectrometry: from polymers to biological materials”

Tutorial speaker

Prof. Peter BAUER (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
“Electronic stopping of ions in solids”

Invited speakers at normal sessions

Prof. Michael ALTMAN (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
“Defects, strain and polymorphism in graphene on metals”
Prof. Ernst BAUER (Arizona State University)
“XMCDPEEM and SPLEEM of magnetic materials”
Dr. Toyohiro CHIKYO (NIMS)
“Materials informatics and high throughput experimentations”
Prof. Andrew M. DAVIS (University of Chicago)
“CHILI, a nanobeam secondary neutral mass spectrometer with extraordinary spatial resolution, sensitivity, and selectivity”
Prof. Karl-Heinz ERNST (EPMA and University of Zurich)
“Chiral molecular motors driven by electrons”
Prof. Hans-Joachim FREUND (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)
“Model systems in catalysis for energy economy”
Prof. Torgny GUSTAFSSON (Rutgers University)
“Studying solids using the helium ion microscope”
Prof. Shuji HASEGAWA (University of Tokyo)
“Surface transport of topological and non-topological materials”
Prof. Michael HORN-VON HOEGEN (University of Duisburg-Essen)
“Ultrafast electron diffraction at surfaces with 300 fs temporal resolution: watch the atoms while they move!”
Prof. Ing-Shouh HWANG (Academia Sinica)
“Low-voltage coherent electron imaging on a single-atom electron source”
Dr. Pavel JELINEK (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science)
“What can we learn from high-resolution AFM/STM images?”
Dr. Tomoko KAWASHIMA (Panasonic Corporation)
"Examination of ion beam induced damage on polymer surface using Ar clusters”
Dr. Koji KIMOTO (National Institute for Materials Science)
“Lower-voltage electron microscopy for material characterization”
Prof. Jurgen KIRSCHNER (Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics)
“Spin-polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy at high momentum resolution”
Dr. Maya KISKINOVA (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste)
“Recent advances of synchrotron-based scanning X-ray microscopy in addressing properties of morphologically complex materials and electrochemical devices”
“Mass scale calibration of TOF-SIMS spectra with molecular ions of internal additives”
Dr. Teruo KOHASHI (Hitachi, Ltd.)
“Spin-polarized scanning electron microscopy and its recent progress”
Dr. Andrea LOCATELLI (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
“Noble gas nanobubbles at extreme pressure under graphene”
Prof. Frank-J. MEYER ZU HERINGDORF (University of Duisburg-Essen)
“Plasmoemission: a nonlinear pathway for electron emission from a plasmonic field”
Prof. Shunsuke MUTO (Nagoya University)
“Current progress in a data mining technique applying to digital spectral image datasets”
Dr. Nobuyuki NAKA (HORIBA, Ltd.)
“Ultra-fast simultaneous SPM and Raman spectroscopy approach for characterizing nano-level material”
Dr. Yoshie OTAKE (Riken)
“Accelerator-driven compact neutron source RANS and its practical applications with slow and fast neutrons”
Prof. Jeong Young PARK (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
“Nature of hot electron generated by photons and exothermic catalytic reactions”
Prof. Harald ROSE (University of Ulm)
“Efficient Linear Phase Contrast in the Aberration-corrected STEM”
Prof. Claus M. SCHNEIDER (Forschungszentrum Julich and University of Duisburg-Essen)
“A single-molecule approach to spintronics”
Prof. Wolf-Dieter SCHNEIDER (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
“Surface phonon-polariton mediated transport through CaO thin films”
Prof. Geoff THORNTON (University College London)
“Engineering Polarons at an oxide surface”
Dr. Rudolf TROMP (IBM)
“Recent advances in cathode lens microscopy”
Prof. Peter VARGA (Vienna University of Technology and CEITEC at Brno University of Technology)
“Magnetic nanostructures”
Prof. Wolf WIDDRA (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
“Two-dimensional quasicrystalline oxides and their approximants”
Prof. Wulf WULFHEKEL (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
“Electronic and spintronic functions in single molecules”
Prof. Hirofumi YAMADA (Kyoto University)
“Molecular-scale Investigations of solid-liquid interfaces by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy”
Prof. Tsuneo YASUE (Osaka Electro-Communication University)
“Investigation of magnetic structure with high brightness and highly spin-polarized LEEM”
Prof. Shoji YOSHIDA (University of Tsukuba)
“Ultrafast spin dynamics probed by optical pump-probe STM”

Invited speakers at Special Session on
“3D holographic imaging and characterizations of active atomic sites”

Prof. Hiroshi DAIMON (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
“3D atomic structure analysis around active-site atoms by photoelectron holography”
Prof. Charles S. FADLEY (University of California, Davis)
“Looking into complex quantum materials and multilayer heterostructures with holographic, standing-wave, and resonant photoemission”
Prof. Pawel KORECKI (Jagiellonian University)
“Holographic imaging of atomic structures with white X-rays”
Prof. Peter KRÜGER (Chiba University)
“Gap state imaging and spin-orbit effects in resonant photoelectron diffraction”
Dr. Lada YASHINA (Moscow University)
“Chemical state selective photoelectron diffraction and holography applied to the surface of topological insulators and their interfaces with magnetic metals”

Invited speakers at Special Session on
“Chemical imaging and nanoanalysis for biosystems”

Dr. John FLETCHER (University of Gothenburg)
“ToF-SIMS analysis of complex biological systems using polyatomic and gas cluster ion beams”
Prof. Terumitsu HASEBE (Tokai University School of Medicine)
“Ultrastructural characterization of surface induced-platelet activation on artificial materials by transmission electron microscopy”
Prof. Sergei G. KAZARIAN (Imperial College London)
“Advancing studies of biosystems with FTIR spectroscopic imaging”
Dr. Tae Geol LEE (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
“Ar-cluster SIMS for -omics”
Prof. Tatsuyuki YAMAMOTO (Shimane University)
“Biomedical applications of Raman spectroscopy”

Invited speakers at Special Session on
“Current status and future trends in standardization for surface chemical analysis and microbeam analysis”

Dr. Keisuke GOTO (AIST-Chubu Center)
“AES and Secondary Electron Emission Data Base (absolute)”
Dr. Hidehiko NONAKA (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
“Standardization Activities in ISO TC 201 (Surface Chemical Analysis)”
FOCUS SHIMADZU JEOL Hitachi HighTech Techno-X Scienta Omicron
SPECS Science Laboratories Inc. Pascal VIC International
開発受託21 ツジ電子 HORIBA FEI
JSPS Logo Host Organization: The 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis, JSPS
Joint Sponsor: The Surface Science Society of Japan