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ALC ’13
December 2 (Mon) – 6 (Fri), 2013
Sheraton Kona, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA
(Current date/time: October 12, 2018 / 14:01 JST)
ALC'13 Logo

Student Awards

The Student Awards are designed to encourage students to present their work. The award will be given to a limited number (around 5) of students.

The applicant must be the first author of the presentation. To apply for the Student Award, a letter of application, 1 page of abstract and a recommendation from your supervisor must be prepared. The application form, including the abstract and the recommendation, can be written in English or Japanese. A written form must be saved in a PDF format and should be sent together with a presentation application. A template file for an application can be downloaded below.

The deadline is the same as that for the regular application, June 23 (Sun). You can also apply for the excellent presentation award, but you will not win both.

The program committee will announce the winners on the website by (around the end of October). Each winner will receive ¥25,000, which is only available to winners who attend the symposium and submit a manuscript for SIA (Surface and Interface Analysis). Note that winners must still pay the registration fee. The winners will give a short oral presentation (5 min) at the Symposium.

Templates for an Application to the Award

You can use one of the following templates for an application.

JSPS Logo Sponsored by The 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis
of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)