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Invited Speakers (Tentative List)
Last Update: May 28, 2003

I. Plenary Lectures

Gabor A. Somorjai (University of California)
"Sum frequency generation-vibrational spectroscopy characterization of surface monolayers: Catalytic reaction intermediates and polymer surfaces"

Akira Tonomura (Hitachi, Ltd., RIKEN, JST, SORST)
"Observation of unconventional behavior of vortices in high-Tc superconductors"

II. Invited Speakers

Matthias Bode (Univ. Hamburug)
"Imaging of magnetic surfaces, films, and clusters by spin-polarized STM"

Karl-Heinz Rieder (Beriln Frei University)
"Doing physics and chemistry with single atoms and molecules: The STM as operative instrument"

Peter Varga (TU Vienna)
"STM study on the local atomic surface structure of ultrathin Fe films and the INVAR alloy"

Ernst Meyer (Univ. of Basel)
"Force microscopy investigations of molecules on insulators"

Wolf-Dieter Schneider (Univ. Lawsanne)
"Two-dimensional self-assembly of molecules and of magnetic adatoms on metal surfaces"

Henning Neddermeyer (Martin-Luther Univ.)
"Manipulation experiments on Si and surface dynamics by high-temperature STM"

Seizo Morita (Osaka Univ.)
"Atom selective imaging and mechanical atom manipulation based on noncontact atomic force microscope method"

Qi-Kun Xue (Institute of Physics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences)
"Growth and magnetic properties of nanodot arrays on Si(111)"

Hisataka Takenaka (NTT-AT)
"Multilayer films for X-ray microscope"

Harald Rose (TU Darmstadt)
"Prospects of aberration-free electron microscopy"

Yoshizo Takai (Osaka Univ.)
"Phase transmission electron microscopy with aberration correction based on active defocus modulation"

Yimei Zhu (Brookhaven National Lab.)
"Accurate measurements of valence electron and induction distribution in superconductors and magnetic materials using advanced electron microscopy"

Jean-Jacques Metois (Marseille Univ.)
"REM investigation of the dynamic of steps"

J. Wayne Rabalais (Univ. of Houston)
"Real space surface crystallography from low energy ion scattering"

Marika Schleberger (Univ. Essen)
"Analysis of magnetic surfaces by scattering of low energy ions"

Andreas Heinrich (IBM Almaden Research Center)
"Using scanning tunneling microscopy as a tool for nanotechnology, molecule cascades: Concepts and applications"

Yoshikazu Homma (NTT)
"Self-assembled nanotube network for nano-device wiring"

Barney L. Doyle (Sandia National Lab.)
"Ion-induced emission microscopy"

Richard Palmer (Univ. of Birmingham)
"Nanostructured surfaces: fabrication by size-selected clusters, characterisation by local STM spectroscopy (SPELS) and application to immobilisation of proteins"

Margret Giessen (Research Center Juelich)
"Quantitative analysis of atom transport phenomena at solid-vacuum and solid-liquid interfaces"

Tien T. Tsong (Academia Sinica)
"The dynamic properties of Si and metal atoms on Si surfaces"

Harald Ibach (Research Center Juelich)
"Universal model for the potential dependence of surface defect formation energies and activation energies for atom transport on solid surfaces in contact with an electrolyte"

Anastassia Pavlovska (Arizona State Univ.)
"Surface reconstructions and disordering in two and three dimensions: the case of indium"

Maya Kiskinova (Elettra)
"Chemical specific imaging and micro-spectroscopy of interfaces and dynamic surface processes with synchrotron-based techniques"

Ernst Bauer (Arizona State Univ.)
"Nanomagnetism studies with SPLEEM and XMCDPEEM"

Takanori Koshikawa (OECU)
"Surface observation by LEEM and PEEM and high resolution PEEM by focus moving method"

Michael Altman (Hong Kong STU)
"Low energy electron microscopy of the quantum electronic and magnetic properties of ultrathin metallic films"

Thomas Schmidt (U. Würzburg)
"Spectromicroscopy with high lateral and spectral resolution: the SMART project at BESSY II"

Chuhei Oshima (Waseda Univ)
"Coherent electron beam"

Roger Morin (Marseille University)
"Imaging with low-energy electron coherent beams"

Jianwei Miao (SSRL)
"Towards atomic resolution 3D diffraction microscopy with coherent X-rays and electrons"

David C. Joy (Univ. of Tennessee)
"Electron holography at ultra-low and at high energies"

Yoshimasa Nihei (Tokyo Uinv. of Science)
"3D atomic structural analysis of surface nano-sturucture by photoelectron diffraction and holography"

C. S. Fadley (Univ. of California)
"Holographic imaging of local atomic structure: Where is it and where can it go?"

Juerg Osterwalder (Universitaet Zuerich)
"Growth morphology and defect structures on hexagonal boron nitride films on Ni(111): a combined STM and XPD study"

Shozo Kono (Tohoku Univ.)
"Surface structure determination by photoelectron diffraction and electron diffraction"

Hannes Lichte (Dresden University)
"50 years of the electron biprism - 50 years of exciting electron physics"

Tsukasa Hirayama (Japan Fine Ceramic Center)
"Electron wave interference by biprism and its applications"

Akira Nishiyama (Toshiba)
"Characterization of high-k materials for the advancement of high-speed ULSIs' "

Torgny Gustafsson (Rutgers Univ.)
"Ion scattering studies of alternate gate dielectrics"

Hide H. Brongersma (Eindhoven University of Technology and Calipso B.V )
"Ultra-thin layers and interfaces in microelectronics studied by LEIS"

Yoshiaki Kido (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
"Atomic level characterization of HfO2/Si(001) by medium energy ion scattering coupled with SR-photoelectron spectroscopy "

Hee Jae Kang (Chungbuk National University)
"Sub-nm depth resolution in sputter depth profiling by low energy ion bombardment"

Toshiyuki Fujimoto (AIST)
"Application of metal cluster ion beam for low damage sputtering"

Masahiko Inoue (Setsunan Univ.)
"High resolution Auger depth profiling by sub keV ion sputtering"

Bunji Mizuno (Ultimate Junction Technologies Inc.)
"Formation process and characterization of shallow junction"

Masakazu Aono (Nanomaterials Laboratory & Osaka University)
"Novel methods of nanoscale fabrication and characterization"

Werner Heiland (Universitat Osnabruck, Germany)
"What do we know about the elctronic corrugation of surfaces ?"

Yasu Fujikawa (Tohoku University, Japan and University of Wisconsin, USA)
"STM study on the atomic structure of Ge(105) surface"


III. Tutrials (Oct. 5 (Sun))

Oliver C. Wells (IBM)
"The early history of the SEM and some recent developments"

Takeo Ichinokawa (Waseda University)
"Instrument development in my laboratory"

Amand A. Lucas (FUNDP)
"Diffraction of X-rays and of electrons by helical molecules: Determination of the structure of DNA and carbon nanotubes"

David B. Williams (Lehigh University)
"Quantitative compositional mapping in the analytical electron microscope"

Dale Newbury (NIST)
"Improving the sensitivity of electron probe microanalysis by enhanced X-ray spectrometry: X-ray optic augmented wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometry; X-ray microcalorimetry; and silicon drift detector energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry"

Ernst Bauer (Arizona State Univ.)
"Surface electron microscopy with slow electrons"

Ryuichi Shimizu (Osaka Inst. Technol.)
"Atomic level characterization in development of cathodes of high brightness"

Paul W. Palmberg (ULVAC-PHI Inc., Physical Electronics USA, Inc.)
"Surafce Analysis" (tentative)

IV. Sessions Organized by Companies
  • Surface analysis and nano-order characterization by JEOL
    1) Masaru Takakura : "Introduction of Schottky Type Field Emission Electron Probe Microanalyzer"
    2) Toyohiko Tazawa: "Micrometer to Nanometer Surface Characterization by XPS and SAM"
    3) Chuck Mooney: "Application of ambient and UHV SPMs